Iran Mein Iqbal Aur Ghalib Shanasi: A Glimpse into Iranian Scholarship on Iqbal & Ghalib



The Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies Program (CLCS) organized a series of events titled "Iran Mein Iqbal Aur Ghalib Shanasi: A Glimpse into Iranian Scholarship on Iqbal & Ghalib," as part of the Syeda Mubarak Begum Urdu-Farsi Lecture Series – Sohbat.

This series explored the Iranian perspective on the works of the renowned Urdu poets, Iqbal and Ghalib, and the connection between Urdu and Persian literary traditions. It comprised two workshops and a concluding talk.


The first workshop, "Sher Khwani-e Iqbal:The Recitation of Iqbal's Urdu-Persian Poetry," focused on the effective recitation of Iqbal's poems following their poetic meters. Dr. Ali Kavousi Nejad, Assistant Professor of Urdu at the University of Tehran, and Dr. Ahtisham Ali, Associate Professor of Urdu at GCU Lahore, led the workshop.


The second workshop, "Urdu-Farsi Tarjuma: Rivayat Aur Mashq," delved into the rich tradition of translation between Urdu and Persian. Participants actively engaged in translating selected texts from Persian to Urdu and vice versa. Dr. Ali Kavousi Nejad led this workshop as well.


The series concluded with a talk titled "Iqbal Aur Ghalib Iraniyon Ki Nazar Mein," delivered by Dr. Ali Kavousi Nejad. The talk provided a comprehensive overview of Iranian scholarship and reception regarding the works of Iqbal and Ghalib. The talk was followed by a captivating musical performance on a Ghazal of Persian poet Hafiz, by the students of Persian class at LUMS. Shah Abdullah, a renowned calligraphic artist and singer, also performed a Rubai of Iqbal. 





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