Book Launch Ceremony: The Handbook of Mirza Ghalib's Poetry and Poetics


The Gurmani Centre for Languages and Literature recently hosted a book launch ceremony for Dr. Tariq Rehman's The Handbook of Mirza Ghalib's Poetry and Poetics: Commentaries and Contemporary Concerns. The event was moderated by Ms. Aneeqa Mazhar Wattoo and featured an esteemed panel of scholars, including Dr. Tariq Rehman, the author, along with Dr. Anjum Altaf and Dr. Nasir Abbas Nayyar.

The discussion commenced with opening remarks from Dr. Tariq Rehman, who provided insight into the conventions and motivations behind his book. He emphasized the challenges posed by the modern educational system, which is depriving people of classical literature. The Handbook of Mirza Ghalib is designed for those with limited knowledge of Urdu, including international audiences, enabling them to appreciate the essence of Ghalib’s genius. Dr. Rehman elaborated on the key themes explored in the book, highlighting its accessibility for readers unfamiliar with Ghalib’s work.


Following Dr. Rehman's remarks, Dr. Anjum Altaf spoke about the importance of engaging with Ghalib’s poetry in today’s context. He argued that Ghalib remains relevant because, while being a significant figure within the conventions of poetry, he also rises above them.  Dr. Altaf praised the book, particularly noting the challenges of translating poetry from Urdu to English, and commended the clarity of the prosaic translations and detailed commentaries provided in the Handbook.


Dr. Nasir Abbas Nayyar then addressed the global acceptance and popularity of Ghalib. He examined prevalent concerns and misconceptions regarding Urdu ghaal, countering these with thorough references and a decolonial analysis. Dr. Nayyar asserted that understanding Urdu ghaal requires contextualization within the cultural epoch of its time, rather than through comparative analysis with Western literary forms. He critiqued the colonial mindset that has historically framed ghaal poets as "uncivilized" or "primitive," advocating for a more nuanced appreciation of their work. Additionally, he discussed the inadequacies of analyzing ghaal from a strictly realist perspective, arguing that the subject matter and meaning of poetry in ghaal poetics are distinct. Dr. Nayyar regarded Dr. Rehman's work as a significant and necessary contribution in the history of Ghalib criticism due to the comprehensive and insightful commentaries it provides on Ghalib’s poetics.

Overall, the book launch served as a significant platform for discussing Dr. Rehman's contributions to the understanding of Mirza Ghalib, while also engaging critically with broader themes in literature and cultural analysis.


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