LUMS Requests all Community Members to get Vaccinated for Full Re-opening of Campus

Stronger Together Don't Wait, Vaccinate Today, written in bold white letters on a gray background with a picture of a masked female office employee working on her laptop

Countries all around the world are getting their citizens vaccinated in an attempt to curb the spread of COVID-19. The Government of Pakistan has been conducting vaccination drives in all its major cities and is making vaccines available to its population in age-specific phases. 

LUMS has also announced that in order for a safe and secure return to campus for an in-person semester in Fall 2021, it requires all staff and students to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. All those who are eligible to receive vaccinations through the government’s vaccination drive are encouraged to register as soon as possible and provide their NADRA Immunisation Certificate to HR by August 31, 2021. All students and staff can also update their vaccination status on the LUMS vaccination portal here.

Students 18 years and younger may opt to seek vaccination through private sources in which case, LUMS will offer the following support:

•    All students receiving financial aid of 70% and above will get 100% reimbursement for the cost of the vaccine
•    All students receiving financial aid up to 70% will get 50% reimbursement for the cost of the vaccine
•    The maximum amount will be based on the actual amount spent up to PKR 12,500.

To read the detailed LUMS COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, please click here

Exceptions to this policy will only be made for employees who have underlying medical conditions and have been advised by a doctor to avoid getting a COVID-19 vaccination. 

To further facilitate the vaccination of its community a COVID-19 Vaccination Camp was set-up on campus from June 9 - 13, 2021. All students, staff and faculty members not yet vaccinated were encouraged to come to the camp. Family members of the LUMS community, as well as their household staff, were also able to avail this opportunity.

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