Dean's Message

Welcome to the Mushtaq Ahmad Gurmani School for Humanities and Social Sciences (MGSHSS) at LUMS – the largest, most dynamic and diverse school at LUMS. Over the decades MGSHSS has earned a global reputation in the field of humanities and social sciences. A community of world-class scholars, the vibrancy of the teaching, the quality of the research and an innovative curriculum all combine to produce an undergraduate program of the highest international standards. Trained at leading universities of the world, and deeply engaged with local realities, our faculty members have revolutionized the way social sciences and humanities are taught in Pakistan. Teaching over 100 i courses every semester, their passion and commitment is reflected in the vibrant intellectual culture of the school, and translates into teaching and research that is truly transformative.
In an age where ‘marketability’ has become a buzzword, driving many young people into the professions right after high school, we focus our first two undergraduate years on a common core curriculum that provides our students with a broad-based liberal arts education across a range of disciplines. We believe that our students should learn by immersing themselves in the great works of politics, scientific reasoning, sociology, economics, culture, religion, art, literature, and aesthetics. The modern world is beset with challenges that are multi-faceted - be it poverty, terrorism, pandemics or climate change. To understand and address these issues requires a holistic understanding, a broad foundation of knowledge and a diverse set of transferable skills. The interdisciplinary nature of our core curriculum ensures that students are equipped with the requisite tools and that they emerge as reflective, empathetic, and historically informed individuals, with an understanding of both global and local current issues.
Having been exposed to a variety of disciplines through the core curriculum, students then specialise in the ‘Major’ they have a particular passion and aptitude for. The School offers Majors in: Anthropology & Sociology, Economics, Economics & Mathematics, Economics & Political Science, English, History, and Political Science. Apart from courses from their Major, students have the option of taking courses from across the university and building a secondary concentration through a ‘Minor’. The School offers Minors in Anthropology & Sociology, Economics, English, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, Religious Studies, Gender and Sexuality, and Psychology.
Our students therefore receive an education that is both far reaching in breadth but also focused and in depth in the student’s chosen Major. On graduation our students are much-sought after in the job market, and enter career paths of their choice, be it in the corporate sector, business and finance, NGOs, media, teaching, or continuing on in further education. This is because our academic programme emphasises both hard discipline-specific expertise, as well as a range of soft skills which are increasingly in demand amongst employers, including analytical, communication and leadership skills.
However, as proud as we are of our students’ accomplishments, what gives us even greater satisfaction is the sensitivity, empathy and thoughtfulness that we impart to them. At the School we strive to have our students graduate with the capacity to explore widely and deeply, think creatively and critically, and express ideas clearly and effectively. By realizing their full intellectual and personal potential, students will contribute to the betterment of society in Pakistan and the wider region, and to nurture individuals to be principled, intellectually engaged, and socially responsible.
I invite you to come and discover your true self in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Imagine, aspire and create a better future for tomorrow.